Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Documents play key role in ATF Fast and Furious hearings

Records managers will appreciate the key role Justice Department documents are playing in hearings on the Fast and Furious operations that resulted in allowing thousands of weapons to cross the border into Mexico.  Read the news article at http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-31727_162-20115038-10391695.html?tag=pop;stories

Follow the links under the "Read the new documents" subhead to view documents in question and see how much of each is redacted (sensitive information has been expunged).

1 comment:

  1. I'm not commenting politically about what has or hasn't happened. But, I think it is truly obvious that we (RM/Archivists) haven't been given the resources to manage all of our information in the past. The tide does seem to be slowly turning thanks to e-Discovery. Let's hope in the future, we will "know what we know" and executives will be aware that information is well managed and accessible.
