Friday, April 27, 2012

Virtual Conference Rescheduled to May 10 - same time, same place

New experiences can be exciting or frustrating... the unexpected grid problems in Second Life last evening can be placed in the latter category.  Eager presenters and participants of the 3rd Annual VCARA Conference found they could not reach SLIS Island to attend or present.

The strangest part from my point of view was the fact that I could reach our neighbor, Stanford, and look out to where VCARA should be, only to see water.  Hmmm....

Not knowing when we'd finally be able to get in, who would keep trying that long, and if the grid would continue to be available once we started, a decision was made to reschedule for May 10, 5:30 to 8 p..m. SLT.  SLURL remains the same:

Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

3rd Annual Virtual Conference on VCARA in Second Life - this evening - join us - it's free

Join us for the 3rd Annual Virtual Conference—Exploring and Developing Career Opportunities in the Digital Age--on SLIS Island this evening (April 26) from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. pacific. It's free!  Check out the conference schedule at

Thursday, April 19, 2012

If you have not been introduced to Ted, the Records Manager, I'd like to introduce you now.  Tax time is over... and the wait for a refund (if you're lucky) has begun.  I wonder if you've done a better job filing and retaining your tax documents than Ted's colleague.  Check out this video.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

April is Records and Information Management Month

Each year, records management professionals around the world raise awareness about records and information management by promoting records related events. The RIM initiative was developed by ARMA International. Records managers interested in hosting their own RIM events can find promotional materials and ideas by visiting the ARMA International web site.  
This year, the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University will host 2 "free" events -- to which all records and information managers (and others) are invited!

April 26, 2012, 5:30 to 8 p.m. pacific:
Third Annual Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration (VCARA) Conference

Exploring and Developing Career Opportunities in the Digital Age

Two practice sessions for those new to Second Life (or just rusty) will be held:
  • Session 1:  Wednesday, April 11th at 7 PM PST
  • Session 2:  Wednesday, April 17th at 7 PM PST
To learn more or to RSVP to the practice sessions and/or the conference send an email to

April 30, 2012, 10-11 p.m. pacific

MARA Guest Lecture as part of the SLIS Colloquia Series 

Access to Public Records: tensions between the right-to-know and the protection of privacy and the role of Records Management in addressing these issues

Presenter: Trevor Lewis, Former attorney and current Record Analyst & Local Records Program Coordinator. Vermont State Archives & Records Administration
Location: Live from Vermont, using Collaborate
  • Work teams: feel free to have one user log in and project the session to the group.