Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ghosts of Russians Past: Lecture & Winter Ball at Alexander Palace on SLIS Island in Second Life

Ghosts of Russians Past: Lecture & Winter Ball at the Alexander Palace

When: Monday December 3, 2012 at 6 P.M (PT)

Where: SLIS Island next door to the SJSU Tower Building

SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SJSU%20SLIS/205/176/33.

You are cordially invited to attend VCARA’s Lecture & Winter Ball at the Alexander Palace. Please join us as we celebrate the end of the fall 2012 semester. The theme of the event will be pre-Revolutionary Russia, and the evening will feature a program followed by a costume ball with music, an ice skating rink, carriage rides, and more. Please request a link to SL costumes from Matt Carmichael, mcar1996@gmail.com.

Barbara Galik, Executive Director of Bradley University’s Library will talk about information dissemination in the pre-Revolutionary Russia.

Lori Bell, Lecturer at San Jose State University will present a historical book display on Russian History.

Matt Carmichael, Graduate student at San Jose State University will present on the history of the Hermitage Museum

Space is unlimited, but an RSVP to Matt at mcar1996@gmail.com or Pat at patricia.franks@sjsu.edu would be appreciated

Monday, November 12, 2012

November Presentations on Internships & RIM Career Opportunities

SLIS November Activities
Everyone's welcome!

November 13, 2012 - Virtual Internship Site Supervisor Panel Presentation 
Tuesday - 5-6 pm PST Collaborate URL: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2011274&password=M.8EC296B2BCF43A843598ECE8AB1A59 

Hear from 3 panelists: Stephen Paar, OddBall Film & Video > Christina Mune, SJSU Library > John Shawler, Credo Reference Even if you are not interested in these specific opportunities for spring, it is a good way to better understand how virtual internship opportunities work from the point of view of the site supervisor. 

November 15, 2012 - Second Life Internship Information Session 
Thursday, 7-8 pm PST SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SJSU%20SLIS/100/29/33 

Learn more about participating in place-based and virtual internships from Lori Lindberg, internship faculty supervisor, and previous interns. 

November 20, 2012 - RIM Opportunities 
Tuesday - 5:30-6:30 pm PST Collaborate URL: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2011274&password=M.2F4D7D44792D7FC5CAC28AEA1E149B 

Learn what types of RIM career opportunities are available, what employers are looking for, what makes a strong resume, how to network effectively, and how to interview with impact from Jason and Beth Hynes, CRM, co-owners of Vision Search Partners, a national recruiting firm specializing in Records and Information Management. Get additional details from the sesson description and speaker bios at http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/about-slis/colloquia/Fall%202012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Digital Archivist requires skills from several knowledge domains

It's no secret that there is a convergence of knowledge and responsibilities for professionals employed in various environments due to the transition to a predominantly digital world. This is clearly illustrated in an announcement for a Digital Archivist at Rollins College. The October 5, 2012 post cited the main role of the digital archivist as collecting, organizing, and making accessible digital resources relating to the history of the institution, which is the oldest institution of higher education in Florida. The successful candidate will help with the design, development and implementation of a digital archive and records management program at the College. This is a tenure track position in the School of Arts and Sciences. The position is in the Office of the Olin Library Director, and the applicant is expected to have either an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or an equivalent degree and work experience or significant coursework in archival science, records management, digital curation, or digital preservation. In addition, a second master's in an academic discipline and two or more years of experience in electronic records management or digital archives are strongly preferred. It appears it's no longer enough to be a specialist who is an expert in one area but a generalist who has mastery of the skills and knowledge required for more than one profession (e.g., archivist, records manager, librarian). You can see the complete job post at https://www.rollinsjobs.com/postings/540.****

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Digital Amnesia - is there a cure?

No, I'm not suffering from amnesia. In fact, I've been so busy that I've neglected this blog.  But today, as I reflected on a very  important conference I attended at the University of British Columbia in September on the topic of digital amnesia (among other things), I knew I had to share some of what went on.

Talk about convergence! Over 500 individuals from over 110 countries converged at a UNESCO Conference, The Memory of the World in the Digital age: Digitization and Preservation, September 26-28, 2012.  Read a summary of the conference and find a webcast of the plenary sessions here.

It was a stimulating and informative three days that concluded with a plenary session at which participants discussed the main product to emerge from the conference, the UNESCO/UBC Vancouver Declaration.

You can still participate in refining the Declaration by going to the communication and information webpage, downloading and reading the declaration, and then sending your comments and/or observations directly to UNESCO.

Rather than repeat here the contents of a blog just posted to the Center for Information Research and Innovation, you can read more about the conference by following this link.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Virtual Conference Rescheduled to May 10 - same time, same place

New experiences can be exciting or frustrating... the unexpected grid problems in Second Life last evening can be placed in the latter category.  Eager presenters and participants of the 3rd Annual VCARA Conference found they could not reach SLIS Island to attend or present.

The strangest part from my point of view was the fact that I could reach our neighbor, Stanford, and look out to where VCARA should be, only to see water.  Hmmm....

Not knowing when we'd finally be able to get in, who would keep trying that long, and if the grid would continue to be available once we started, a decision was made to reschedule for May 10, 5:30 to 8 p..m. SLT.  SLURL remains the same: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SJSU%20SLIS/104/27/33

Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

3rd Annual Virtual Conference on VCARA in Second Life - this evening - join us - it's free

Join us for the 3rd Annual Virtual Conference—Exploring and Developing Career Opportunities in the Digital Age--on SLIS Island this evening (April 26) from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. pacific. It's free!  Check out the conference schedule at http://amazon.sjsu.edu/html-pfranks/VCARAconf2012/ConferenceSchedule.pdf

Thursday, April 19, 2012

If you have not been introduced to Ted, the Records Manager, I'd like to introduce you now.  Tax time is over... and the wait for a refund (if you're lucky) has begun.  I wonder if you've done a better job filing and retaining your tax documents than Ted's colleague.  Check out this video.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

April is Records and Information Management Month

Each year, records management professionals around the world raise awareness about records and information management by promoting records related events. The RIM initiative was developed by ARMA International. Records managers interested in hosting their own RIM events can find promotional materials and ideas by visiting the ARMA International web site.  
This year, the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University will host 2 "free" events -- to which all records and information managers (and others) are invited!

April 26, 2012, 5:30 to 8 p.m. pacific:
Third Annual Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration (VCARA) Conference

Exploring and Developing Career Opportunities in the Digital Age

Two practice sessions for those new to Second Life (or just rusty) will be held:
  • Session 1:  Wednesday, April 11th at 7 PM PST
  • Session 2:  Wednesday, April 17th at 7 PM PST
To learn more or to RSVP to the practice sessions and/or the conference send an email to patricia.franks@sjsu.edu

April 30, 2012, 10-11 p.m. pacific

MARA Guest Lecture as part of the SLIS Colloquia Series 

Access to Public Records: tensions between the right-to-know and the protection of privacy and the role of Records Management in addressing these issues

Presenter: Trevor Lewis, Former attorney and current Record Analyst & Local Records Program Coordinator. Vermont State Archives & Records Administration
Location: Live from Vermont, using Collaborate
  • Work teams: feel free to have one user log in and project the session to the group. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Introducing Google Apps Vault

Google has released the Google Apps Vault, a new e-discovery product that allows you to archive, retain, and preserve user email and on the record chats for $5  per user per month. Read more

Saturday, March 24, 2012

After 244 Years Encyclopedia Britannica to Stop Printing Books

By now you may have heard that the Encyclopedia Britannica has finally decided they can no longer afford to print books.  According to Britannica's president, Jorge Cauz, the print set represents only 1% of the company's total sales.  A new set was printed every two years, but the 2010 32-volume edition is the last.  A digital encyclopedia and other education education tools will be the company's new focus.  Read more here.   Now, if you have a chance, become familiar with the 'new' Britannica.  You'll note that Britannica is available for the iPad and smart phone (both iPhone and Blackberry), Britannica Online for Kids is designed specifically for 8-15 year-olds, and RSS Feeds and Widgets enable the content to be delivered right to your browser or home page.  There is even a section for "school and library" sites. Paraphrasing an old slogan, "this isn't your father's encyclopedia Britannica!"

Monday, March 12, 2012

You're invited to attend (no charge) ...

Title: Social Enterprises: A Changing Information Landscape

Don Burke
Powerepedia Doyen
Department of Energy


Driven by the social media revolution occurring on the Internet, large and small organizations are increasingly adopting powerful information technology tools inside the firewall that connect employees and information in unprecedented ways.  These new tools and work processes allow employees to collaborate and perform important business tasks in ways that finally break the paradigm of paper as the fundamental container of information.  This presentation will explore how these new capabilities and work norms dramatically change the nature of information within organizations and some of the opportunities and challenges those changes have on traditional ideas of information management, records management, learning, and communication.  


Don Burke currently leads the Department of Energy's internal collaboration capability called "Powerpedia", which leverages the same software as Wikipedia to create a platform where DOE employees capture and connect information in new and unprecedented ways.  Previously, Mr. Burke played a leading role in the development of Intellipedia within the Intelligence Community for which he was awarded a "Service to America Medal" in 2009.  His work and lessons learned on innovation and implementing social tools within the enterprise have been captured in a number of books including "The New Social Learning", "Long Fuse, Big Bang: Achieving Long-Term Success Through Daily Victories"; and  Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization's Toughest Challenges.

13 March 2012
Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m. (Pacific)
Location: Live from Virginia, using Collaborate
Live URL:
Password: Not required

Friday, February 17, 2012

Personal Archives and Preservation

This week I'm at the ACA@UBC seminar and symposium in Vancouver where the focus is on the digital shoebox, personal digital archives, and archival education. Today I'll be speaking on the topic of Virtual Time Capsules and sharing some of the time capsules planned by SLIS students for their LIBR 284 Archivist: Meet Web 2.0 course. If you're planning your own personal digital archive or virtual time capsule, resources are available from the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program at http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/personalarchiving/  

A recent resource available from the site is the Personal Digital Archiving Day Kit that provides guidance and resources for information professionals on how to organize and host a Personal Digital Archiving Day to share knowledge about caring for personal digital assets with your community. The Kit can be downloaded from http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/personalarchiving/documents/PADKit_v1.pdf

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Getting Experience - Tip #1 - volunteer

I'm not sure when tip #2 will be posted.  But I have a feeling there are more to come.  This post was prompted by a request that came to me for someone to help create an exhibit of historical artifacts for a private school.  The dates are loosely listed as March/April of this year, and there is no $ for the volunteer(s).  It's too late to register for an internship, at least in SLIS.  And I don't know if anyone would want to pay $474 for one credit to complete this task as an independent study (unless you desperately need 1 credit). The project would probably not entail more than 45  hours (hence the 1 credit equivalence).  The position is in San Jose, but since we are a virtual school, not many students actually live in San Jose.  So far I'm sure I haven't sold anyone on this opportunity.  But... think on the bright side.

If you are interested in archives and special collections, how many opportunities might come your way to work with a history and a theater department, as well as team up with a private collector, to create an exhibit of historical artifacts?  In addition to the experience itself, you would be building your professional network, identifying potential references, gathering experience for your resume, and contributing to the community.

If you are a San Jose student and want to know more, contact me at patricia.franks@sjsu.edu. I will send you the contact information you need to investigate this opportunity further.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

National Archives Transcription Project

Sorry for the long break between posts.  I've been busy working on a book that I hope you'll be hearing about before the end of the year.  For now, though, the Spring term has begun (just today) and since I'm requesting my students 'blog,' so must I.

One item you might find interesting is a Transcription Project of the National Archives that encourages citizens to transcribe documents from the 18th through the 20th centuries.Documents are described as being suitable for beginners,  intermediate, and advanced transcriptionists.  Some documents have been transcribed, and others are awaiting a volunteer to take them on.

Read all about the project and even become involved by visiting http://blogs.archives.gov/online-public-access/?p=7171/