Saturday, August 24, 2013

Congratulations to all ARMA International's Certified Information Governance Professionals!

The entire list can be found here.  Special "congrats" to two members of the Master of Archives & Records Administration degree Program Advisory Committee members Linda Muller and James Merrifield. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

IGP exam results - yes!

Please Share (or Forgive) my excitement. My March 13 blog post introduced ARMA's Information Governance Professional certification.   Shortly afterward, I registered and took the IGP exam... and then anxiously awaited the results. Obviously, good news! The IGP designation will now be part of my professional signature line. The exam will be offered twice a year, and it will be open for 8 weeks.  To apply for the next exam period, review the information posted here.


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Archives 2013 News Orleans - CoSA & SAA Joint Annual Meeting

I just returned from the Society of American Archivist’s conference in New Orleans, which was filled with days of learning (lot of work) and evenings to relax (lots of fun) -- as you can see by images from Archives 2013, Burbon Street, and the WWII Museum. The most important take-away for records managers and archivists alike is the need to not only preserve the historical record of our government but also to make a business case for the reform of records management policies and practices to promote openness and accountability and to reduce costs. An August 24, 2012, memorandum on the subject of the “Managing Government Records Directive” cited two central goals for federal agencies in the executive branch: 1) require electronic recordkeeping to ensure transparency, efficiency, and accountability and 2) demonstrate compliance with federal records management statutes and regulations. Read the 2012 memorandum at According to Paul Wester, the First Chief Records Manager of the US Government, National Archives and Records Administration, reforming records management policies and practices is currently the best selling point for archivists and records managers when promoting their value and services.

CoSA - SAA Joint Annual Meeting

Burbon Street Band

WWII Museum - a must see!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Society of American Archivists Annual Conference

SLIS will be at the Society of American Archivists Annual Conference in New Orleans next week.  If you're attending, stop by the SJSU/SLIS exhibit table  and be sure to join us at the networking reception Thursday evening, 7:30-9:30 pm (central time).  Details are posted here.