Saturday, March 23, 2013

Keep up with activities sponsored by VCARA on SLIS Island In Second Life through the NEW VCARA BLOG

In an effort to more quickly and easily share information about events sponsored by the Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration (VCARA) on SLIS Island in Second Life, Matt Carmichael, VCARA Graduate Student Assistant has created the VCARA blog.

View a machinima of Henry Lowood's presentation "Preserving Virtual Worlds" created by Val Hill, and learn about the special tour of the Maya Island Project to be conducted by Stylianos Mystakidis on April 17th by visiting

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New: Information Governance Professional (IGP) announced by ARMA International

ARMA International has just introduced the information governance professional (IGP) certification to   recognize the efforts of individuals who possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform as an IG professional.  Information Governance Professionals work closely with executive officers responsible for the organization’s legal/compliance, information technology, and lines of business activities to implement an effective IG program.  Professionals who meet the eligibility requirements for education and experience must pass a 140 multiple-choice question exam to earn the IGP certification. Check the ARMA Internationalwebsite for additional information, including eligibility requirements, an examination blueprint, and sample questions.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Position available for Records Manager with Project Management Skills

Interested in a position in records management at the EPA Superfund Records Center in San Francisco? understand project management? Check your email for a SLIS alert if  you are a SJSU SLIS student and/or check the position on Craig's List.  The opening is immediate but they will work with the right candidate if you are graduating in May.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

San Jose State University SLIS is one of top 100 Companies that Matter in KM

Read the articles for yourself.  One on the 100 top KM Companies selected by KMWorld. And another from San Jose State University's School of Library and Information Science director, Sandy Hirsh, explaining how the Master of Archives and Records Administration (MARA) program matters for today's knowledge, information, and records management professionals.

See explaining MARA.

Then also see the overview of the top 100 KM firms: