Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Introducing Google Apps Vault

Google has released the Google Apps Vault, a new e-discovery product that allows you to archive, retain, and preserve user email and on the record chats for $5  per user per month. Read more

Saturday, March 24, 2012

After 244 Years Encyclopedia Britannica to Stop Printing Books

By now you may have heard that the Encyclopedia Britannica has finally decided they can no longer afford to print books.  According to Britannica's president, Jorge Cauz, the print set represents only 1% of the company's total sales.  A new set was printed every two years, but the 2010 32-volume edition is the last.  A digital encyclopedia and other education education tools will be the company's new focus.  Read more here.   Now, if you have a chance, become familiar with the 'new' Britannica.  You'll note that Britannica is available for the iPad and smart phone (both iPhone and Blackberry), Britannica Online for Kids is designed specifically for 8-15 year-olds, and RSS Feeds and Widgets enable the content to be delivered right to your browser or home page.  There is even a section for "school and library" sites. Paraphrasing an old slogan, "this isn't your father's encyclopedia Britannica!"

Monday, March 12, 2012

You're invited to attend (no charge) ...

Title: Social Enterprises: A Changing Information Landscape

Don Burke
Powerepedia Doyen
Department of Energy


Driven by the social media revolution occurring on the Internet, large and small organizations are increasingly adopting powerful information technology tools inside the firewall that connect employees and information in unprecedented ways.  These new tools and work processes allow employees to collaborate and perform important business tasks in ways that finally break the paradigm of paper as the fundamental container of information.  This presentation will explore how these new capabilities and work norms dramatically change the nature of information within organizations and some of the opportunities and challenges those changes have on traditional ideas of information management, records management, learning, and communication.  


Don Burke currently leads the Department of Energy's internal collaboration capability called "Powerpedia", which leverages the same software as Wikipedia to create a platform where DOE employees capture and connect information in new and unprecedented ways.  Previously, Mr. Burke played a leading role in the development of Intellipedia within the Intelligence Community for which he was awarded a "Service to America Medal" in 2009.  His work and lessons learned on innovation and implementing social tools within the enterprise have been captured in a number of books including "The New Social Learning", "Long Fuse, Big Bang: Achieving Long-Term Success Through Daily Victories"; and  Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization's Toughest Challenges.

13 March 2012
Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m. (Pacific)
Location: Live from Virginia, using Collaborate
Live URL:
Password: Not required