I see the last post made was 'before' the conference. The 2 months since have flown by--very busy with a number of tasks that I'll fill you in on eventually. Right now, though, thanks to Caed Aldwych and Brande Hall Gex, the two keynote speakers at the May 24th conference.
Caed shared the history of The Road to Deadwood build with an enthralled audience. He even brought a set from the wild, wild west to provide an authentic background for his presentation.
Brande shared the results of her research into the preservation of virtual worlds, forcing the audience to consider the question, "Should we? and if so, How will we? preserve virtual worlds, like The Road to Deadwood, for future generations?
These keynotes were followed by a tour of 7 poster presentations. At each stop, the researcher responsible for the presentation provided a summary of their work and findings, and visitors were encouraged to return later to listen to the podcast if they wanted to hear the presentation in more detail.
Each of the poster presentations provided the visitor a glimpse into the lives and times of individuals, either past or present, including Lower East Side Tenement Museum in NYC, Virtual Texas, 9/11 New York City & DC, American Reality Television, Web 2.0 & the Fluxus Movement, Last Soul Surviving Knowledge Keepers, Nodaway, and A Foodie on Each Continent.
If you missed the conference and wold like to visit the poster presentations, just log into Second Life and head to SLURL: http://tinyurl.com/VCARA